Salt- A Message for Us

There was a report from a man who had his Himalayan pink salt taken away from him at the airport checkpoint.  He said he purposefully carried pink salt 5 times more to test it and each time it was taken out of his carry on and tested as having heavy metals or radiation.   It is said that these mountains were where the giants lived and died .  So dying on mountain tops decay goes into soil and rock.  Not sure if this is true about the giants, but it is extremely important to make sure any Himalayan Salt is purely organic qualified salt, not just grabbing a grocery store salt.

If there is any doubt, really the very best salt is to go to Celtic grey Sea Salt, this is pure and has 25% more minerals than the pink salt of Himalayan mountains.  Might just be best to switch over to Celtic sea salt ....

AND if you have any thyroid issues you absolutely need the Celtic sea salt because there is sea kelp in the salt that our thyroids need desperately.

REMEMBER to lick a pinch of salt before every glass of water you drink daily - do this every time - every day.  Make it a habit.  Carry a little tiny salt container in your pocket or purse, have it at your computer, where you sit or work and eat.  
We need 5-10 grams of good salt every day according to the French Cardiac Association.

Health & Wellness Leader
Dixie Nielsen

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