5 Healthiest Plants to Have In Your House

First - the Snake Plant.  It is a pretty plant with light beige edges on dark green tall standing upright leaf spires.   It purifies the air by absorbing toxins through it's leaves and then releases PURE OXYGEN for you to breathe in - this plant cleans the air in your house.  Very easy to grow, taking up little room and should be in every bedroom, living and family rooms.   they can get tall and look elegant setting the pot inside of a large colorful pot when an old plant.

Second is English ivy,  this plant which reduces air borne mold and fecal matter particles, great or in bathrooms or rooms which have kitty litter pans or pee pads.  

Next Aloe Vera plant, our first aid kit,  this plant grows very large heavy plump gel filled leaves that are excellent for healing wounds, rashes, skin issues, burns by just cutting a leaf and squeezing the gel out onto the area to be treated,   Also extremely healing for the gut.   Remove a large leaf, slit open and remove the gel and lay gel goop on a paper towel to allow the yellow colored liquid to ooze out onto the paper towel.   The take the gel and mix a tablespoon into yogurt, cottage cheese or something to mix it in and swallow.  Do this 3 times a day for upset gut or twice a day for maintenance.  This is also excellent for dog tummies too,  a teaspoon for small dogs and tablespoon for large dogs.   It actually is the best gut healer there is.  Best to stay on this for a lifetime.   Grow these plants inside in winter getting plenty of sunlight indirectly so they don't get burned or too hot.  Only water once weekly as these are succulents and need water weekly.  Do not like to be over watered.   In summer you can move them outside into morning sunshine and then afternoon shade or a partial sunny area.   They will get large and when you cut a leaf that is ok as another will grow.   Good to have at least  6-8 of these plants so you can cut leaves off one plant and when all are cut off on that plant then move to the next plant and by the time you have cleaned all 6 or so plants you can begin at the beginning plant to start over.   Good idea to put them on newspaper or parchment paper as when you cut them they can drop some dirt if it gets on the leaves. 
Fourth is the Spider plant.  This plant is a powerhouse for removing formaldehyde, Xylene and bacteria and viral germs from your home.  Also it is non-toxic to pets which is good to know for those who have pets that chew plants.  It is even ok around cats.  And it adds Oxygen to the room also.  You can get more plants by carefully removing one of the air roots  at the end of the long spires and rooting it in soil.    I put one of these air roots in water for a day and then into a pot of soil and in two years I have a huge full plant.   Good gift for family or friend to have also.

Fifth is the Rubber Plant.  It is great for removing toxins, bacteria and virus germs.

Dixie Nielsen
Health Wellness Leader  

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