Wake up and protect your children - you are responsible for their future and health.

What you feed them is what you are going to have. Years of doctor bills, always runny noses, sore throats, colds, flu - or a healthy happy seldom sick child. What you feed them sets pattern for their adult lives also. Are you shortening your families lives by grabbing quick easy to fix foods or fixing God's food to you and your family. BE WISE

Mom's - Make Your Own !! Stop poisoning our future. Build our kids, don't poison them. We need more mothers groups to get the truth out. Dad's you too. Men guide the Mom's to begin to do all cooking from scratch and homemade everything. Mom's listen to Dad's as they offer suggestions/comments to you about better feeding of our children. You Dad's be kind and helpful to spend time with the children while Mom cooks and bakes, helping Mom while she prepares meals, then she can play with them while you rest and relax. You are a team and it is teamwork, do it with joy and make many memories because in a blink they will be out of the house and gone. Women listen to dads. These are your seeds. Protect them from stupid moms.

There are weed killers put in all kid's cereals and vitamins. Also in cookies, chips, crackers, and forever chemicals that cannot ever be removed from the body are sprayed on the plastic wrappers inside boxed products and inside cans. Look up how to cook from scratch, it is so easy and simple once you get started !! Go through cupboards and toss out all junk foods, clean out the crap/toxin products. And baby food is even worse with heavy amounts of toxic chemicals and weed killers.
Go All Natural, it is simple and easy. Ask others to help or with questions who you know are now doing all homemade foods. Many guides and easy help suggestions on the internet too.
Stay completely away from juices, sodas, sicky sweet drinks, candy, cookies, snacks, chips. These only feed cancer and diabetes.  Use green beans (frozen are fun) for treats. Nothing like a long organic green bean to munch on. Lettuce leaf, carrot stick, yellow or orange pepper strip (Green peppers are a bit more bitter), Melon strip, apple slice
Get a dehydrator and dehydrate fruits and veggies as they make great kid snacks and for us too.  Stay away from any foods that are not grown in a garden or on a tree/bush. If it was not created and grown by GOD - Do Not Eat or serve it.
******* Man made created junk foods are killing our kids ***
We are what we say, our words are powerful and create what we say.  Well so is the food we put in our bodies - we get what we eat too.

Dixie Nielsen

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