This is a critical read as we are hearing of so many people having sudden heart attacks.

Dr. Barbara O'Neil.  You cannot abuse Cayenne Pepper, you just can't
It is a very safe Herb, it will never harm
It might feel like it sometimes, but it will never harm
 You can also use it internally if someone is having a heart attack
Dr Barbara had read about Cayenne Pepper stopped heart attacks,
   but she had never experienced it until she was at a seminar once
  when she was teaching in Melbourne,  one of her staff members called
   her and a lady had a heart attack in the middle of a cooking class
  Dr Barbara said she ran down and got there in less than 3 minutes
   The lady was lying on the ground, her face was white, the man checking
   her pulse said the pulse was gone
  Dr Barbara said quick get me cayenne pepper.  
Dr Barbara put 1/2 teaspoon liquid (tincture) cayenne pepper in a spoon
and quickly put it in her mouth    She became half conscious  and enough
 to be able to give her a little water. to drink
Within 2 minutes the man holding her wrist checking the pulse said her
 pulse is very strong
and the color came back to her cheeks and she sat up and said "what happened? "
Just amazing.  We sold out of cayenne pepper in that cooking class that day

What happened to that lady is that the Cayenne Pepper , when it got into the blood vessels (cayenne pepper in the mouth goes right into the blood vessels through the smooth soft mouth tissues)  and it thinned the blood which allowed the blood to feed the heart oxygenated blood saving her life.

Cayenne Pepper is the best blood thinner, no need for Warfarin or Heparin which is rat poison,  -  and No Need or Aspirin    - Aspirin causes brain bleeds and stomach bleeds, this has been proven, but today's medical doctors do not understand this and make all heart patients take Aspirin and then later on wonder why the patient has severe gut issues or bleeding brain  - DUH !!

If someone is on Warfarin or Aspirin, they are a little concerned,  start taking 1/4 of a teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper 3 times a day and if on Warfarin you are tested every few weeks and your doctor will say - well your blood is getting so thin we can reduce your medication.  because he will see the thinner blood is great even though doesn't know you are on cayenne Pepper. So you can still be monitored and watched with lab values till dr says you no longer need the medication.    It is very safe

Cayenne Pepper - no side effects ever  - very very safe

Take 1/2  to 1  teaspoon a day in orange juice, in olive oil, in tea or coffee each and every day.

In today's news we are having reports of so many people just dropping dead of heart attacks suddenly.  Keep this tincture of Cayenne Pepper handy at all times to use should anyone drop over on you.   Let your co-workers or family know that you have this cayenne pepper in your purse, desk drawer, briefcase etc. in case you are in need of cayenne pepper.   They can save you knowing you have this miracle herb handy.

If your blood is already thin, Cayenne Pepper will adjust the blood thick or thinness and adjust the blood to fit your body's perfect need.   Those with easy bleeding notice that their blood clots quickly when on cayenne pepper.  So this is a truly amazing herb that each and every one of us need to be taking every day.  
Always carry a small bottle of cayenne pepper in your purse. Ladies  - and men you need to also carry a small bottle in a briefcase or in the car.   ALWAYS Need to have this handy at all times, this is critical as you can tell by the story above.

Dixie Nielsen

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