STOP USING THE MICROWAVE, Microwave is basically destroying every food value that is in the food and turning the food into a toxin . really

Still today there are people who are using microwave ovens, even after all of the warnings.
By now you certainly have heard warnings about not using microwave ovens anymore.  

Water warmed a bit in a microwave oven and let it cool a bit - then take two flower pots, one plant you water with regular water and the other plant you water with the microwaved water.   The one you watered with the microwave water is dead within 7-9 days     . .

We also are being informed by people who are targeted and are being attacked by microwaves from evil malicious attackers using handheld units, most of these people are whistleblowers, some are former workers who left employment of a government or other deep state company, and they know secrets that the elite of the companies feel they could turn on them and give out information. So they are being zapped with microwave pulses over and over as a warning...  Many are still  being  attacked by these pulsating microwaves that penetrate their bodies,and heat  their bodies on the inside  .The perpetrators are using hand held microwave units that zap the person causing extreme issues including constant itching, boils,  insomnia and sleeplessness, extreme anxiety, feelings of depression, mobility and balance problems. Microwave attacks the central nervous system and control  the brain state.   And we think,  would our government do this to its people - NO certainly they wouldn't.   Um   ~!~

 Take time to go on Google and look up U.S. patent number  64070214
And then people are using microwave ovens to warm up water, tea, coffee - to bake foods.not realizing that all of the nutrition has been killed and the food is as nutritious as chewing on a chunk of styrofoam.  It makes whatever a person eats or drinks out of a microwave like eating dead food, with absolutely no good left in the item.    Microwave is basically destroying every food value that is in the food and turning the food into a toxin .  

Everything out of the microwave is highly toxic and the food value is absolutely ZERO.  It makes no difference if you heat up a bowl of vegetable soup or a cardboard container,  it makes no difference because they have the exact same amount of nutrition.    

Microwaving your food is the fastest way to kill yourself  Really  !!

Dixie Nielsen

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