Bicarbonate of Soda, Baking Soda for stopping Flu or Colds

Especially this season when we tend to eat more sweets at Holiday times, we need to increase our baking soda (natural baking soda like Bob's Red Mill carries) By taking baking soda first thing in the morning it sets our body up to be more alkaline. Cancer and diseases love the acidic environment that sugar and sugary foods create. We want our gut biome to be as much alkaline as possible. Also Lemon or lime juice (juice of one) and 1 teaspoon olive oil and cayenne pepper that you can handle is also amazing for our body and healthTo take the sting out of cayenne pepper you can add it to yogurt, milk or cream which stops the sting.
We add two full droppers of Alice's cayenne pepper drops in our coffee grounds every morning. We have a small coffee maker so the second pot of coffee I add another 2 droppers and then 3-4 drops in the coffee. There is sometimes a bit of a sting flavor but usually not, just a bit of a pepper flavor.
After studying thousands of cases of the common cold over a period of 11 years, Dr. Volney Cheney found baking soda to be an effective remedy for Influenza and other viral infections.

Brush your teeth with baking soda, also you can bathe using baking soda and no soap. Gently scrub your face with baking soda, rinse and dry face - then stand still and feel the tingling and clean feeling which we do not get using soaps on our face. It is really a great body scrub. During the 1918-1919 flu pandemic, Dr. Cheney discovered that “rarely anyone who had been thoroughly alkalinized with bicarbonate of soda contracted the disease, and those who did contract it, if alkalinized early, would invariably have mild attacks.” While nearly everyone else would quickly succumb to illness, Dr Cheney reported that those who applied his baking soda regimen were not affected.

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