The Powerful Properties of Turmeric & Ginger Combined

What will happen, you will regain your vitality,
This natural drink will greatly increase your energy levels
  without the crash that comes from artificial stimulants
 It will boost your immune system by 200%
The ginger oil present in the ginger and the curcumin
  in the Turmeric will protect our bodies from the free radicals
  that cause chronic diseases

Combining the ginger and the Turmeric you will get a powerful
  cocktail that will greatly improve your health

one piece off ginger cut up in small chunk sizes - 1/2 cup 2 tangerines, oranges probably ok as not in tangerine season (only organic)
   peel them and cut in slices
1 lime or lemon, extract the juice
Now Place all ingredients in a blender
Add 1 teaspoon Turmeric
Add 1 pinche of  black pepper
Next add 1 Tablespoon of raw Honey
Add 200 ml water, (which is about 6-7 ounces)
Blend or a few minutes
strain the pulp in a strainer getting the juice out
Now the drink is ready

This is a very potent drink in both flavor and benefits
  so it is recommended that it be taken in small doses
  like a very small shot.  Take an empty stomach first
  thing in the morning.

Store in small glass containers.  This will be enough for   7 days

Get started with this quickly so you can reap the great benefits
  as it will benefit you and your family greatly

Fred’s Farm | Herbs

Dixie Nielsen
Health & Wellness Leader

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