What happens to your body from 4am to noon?

What happens to your body from 4am to noon?
When you are sleeping at night your body has been repairing from 10pm to 2am, from 2 am to 4am  your body is eliminating toxins and waste products and from 6am to noon your body is going into elimination .-  your body needs 8 hours to eliminate which is the break fast mode (breakfast)
We should be eating fruits, berries, drinking juices  from fresh fruits
this is what our bodies need.  Then lunch and supper meals.   No fruits with our meals.  
This is from a man who looks about 70 and is 105 and very vibrant and healthy, and happy.   From Jamaica and came here when he met his wife who was a tourist years before.  They are elderly and healthy.  Full of energy because of taking care of their bodies and eating only LIVE FOODS, no dead foods.
He said any food that does not rot, spoil or discolor is not live food, it is dead food and like eating cardboard for nutrition.  
We are what we eat, think and say.   All so important.  

Health & Wellness Leader
Dixie Nielsen  

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