This is the all healing fruit, if eaten in natural state (never GMO or seedless)

Watermelon with seeds,have tannins inside of the watermelon not only thin the blood and brings  circulatory system up to a vibrational rate and it heals the cardiovascular system That's why people who suffer from erectile dysfunction or aneurysms or anyone who has had any blockages like in the coronary arteries or vessels  of the heart - when they get on watermelon fruit these all go away because the watermelon with seeds heals the entire cardiovascular system - it is high in magnesium and potassium. which are highly electrical and conductivity way off the chart in levels  -  and watermelon is one of the most alkalizing fruits on the earth  
Also it is so high in water content  -  H302 - (not H20) that you actually get all of the stimulation into the cells and it opens up Meridian pathways -  it opens up the cells to purge the cells allowing high hydration and electrolytes with magnesium, potassium, ascorbic acid which is Vitamin C  which helps kill cancer, flu, cold, viruses, herpes, viral infections. and to keep coronary arteries and coronary vessels blockage free - this is a huge health benefit.
This is the all natural fruit  -  Watermelon is the way to go !!!

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