Enjoy Raw Milk Information
This is a big report for us to read about, absorb and realize the importance of realizing the truth about MILK. Remember we have so often recently heard that most all we have been taught has been lies, we were lied to about everything to keep us dumbed down and under the "government Deep State" control and power. We were to be their slaves and work 9-5 which is a wrong concept according to God. We were considered the lesser, the workers to supply the money for the elites to build up their pockets and bank accounts. Some had children who were kidnapped, sold and money made for these elites. Child trafficking is a much larger money making industry than drugs or guns.
So "they" put toxins and poisons in our foods, told us eggs were dangerous when this is the perfect food. Told us to not eat salt, but to eat sugar. Salt is needed for our survival - the correct salt, Celtic grey sea salt is the best -
Our tears are salty, our skin sweat is salty, why ? Because our bodies are salt based. Our blood is also salty. Our brain thrives only because of salt that feeds the brain cells. When we feel dizzy or faint, salt will revive us.
Sugar feeds disease, sugar feeds parasites that create every disease, sugar is a toxin to our bodies, sugar is acid based which bad gut bacteria live and multiply from. Our gut when full of bad bacteria will tell the brain to inform the body/mind that we need more sugar, cookies, cake, brownies, etc - when we do not consume sugar in any form the bad bacteria will die. We need to have prebiotics as well as probiotics in our bodies to feed the good bacteria to grow and keep our gut working well.
This lie was never more powerful than the lie about Raw Milk. Amish children across our country drink only raw milk. They are seldom ill and they flourish and grow up strong and very healthy.
They kept and still tell us how dangerous raw milk is
Pasteurization is actually very dangerous
Pasteurization is the microwaving of milk or food to extend the shelf life, so they microwave the food or milk and milk products so that they can extend the shelf life, sometimes even indefinitely This is how they leave all of these food products on the shelves for such a very long period of time.
They pasteurize these foods - and this zaps all of the nutrients out of the foods or milk and milk products. and now they have this product called pasteurized - Pasteurized milk, pasteurized cheese, pasteurized almond milk, pasteurized orange juice, pasteurized nuts. wheat, on and on - all these different products on our food market shelves that are pasteurized
If you just type in "what is pasteurized" it will be mind boggling the amount of our food items which are pasteurized - and have no nutrient value left at all.
It is mind blowing !!
And this is why when people start drinking raw milk, cow or goat milk, or kieffer, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut they almost immediately start to feel great. Because they are bringing back in all the wonderful and beautiful nutrients, minerals and enzymes that are missing in the pasteurized foods
(without enzymes the body dies) .
When pasteurized it's gone, it;s all gone And this is where you get into the whole thing they have been pushing on us about pasteurization since Louis Pasteur - THE GUY WHO ON HIS DEATHBED SAID "WE SHOULD NEVER BE DOING THIS BOILING AND PASTEURIZING AS IT KILLS ALL GOOD BACTERIA AND NUTRIENTS|" - but it is still being done even though he warned us it was wrong.
So when we get into all of this :Raw Milk is going to get you, Raw Milk is going to make you sick, Raw Milk will give you bad illnesses, NO NO NO NO it is the pasteurization that is going to GET YOU !!!!!
When you purchase pasteurized milk and milk products the nutrients are gone but most every milk container is pus because without the natural bacteria to kill bad bacteria, the bad bacteria grows like in a lab dish so when you drink milk from the store you are getting milk with pus in it. Think about this
Experiments were done for proof where they put out two bowls one filled with pasteurized milk and one filled with raw milk. The pasteurized milk soured and spoiled within one day and was packed full of all sorts of bad bacteria, pus and even bloody mucus. Where the raw milk was not spoiled, it still had the fresh flavor and the good bacteria and nutrients in the raw milk actually gobbled up the bad bacteria and when tested there were no bad bacteria in the milk. Of course when left on the counter even longer the pasteurized milk got a green mold on top layer of the milk where the raw milk turned into curds and whey which is fermented and safe to consume.
Remember the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet. She ate her Curds and Whey. This is a story for children and us to realize that curds and whey feed our guts and kill bad bacteria and germs that destroy our bodies. Nursery rhymes were written for lessons to learn.
Look at Little Boy Blue come blow your horn, the sheep are in the meadow and the cows in the corn. --- Sheep eat grass so low that the cows can't grab the grass to eat as cows have no upper teeth to cut the grass off so the sheep cut it too low and cows get no nutrition. Cows are not supposed to consume corn as corn is toxic to a cow. Once a cow eats corn the cow's body begins to deteriorate and decay. So when you consume beef in a grocery store that has been fed corn all it's life or even end feeding with corn to put weight on the cow - you are eating decayed meat
This is why we need to eat grass fed, free range, out in the field animals not stuck in a shed, barn where there is no contact with the ground. Opening the windows or doors to a hen house is not free range because chickens will not usually just go outside on their own, they need to be encouraged to get out usually daily. Same as going back into the hen house, they need to be trained and encouraged to go back in at night.
We have to get back to the old fashion way of living, back to the homestead living so we can not only survive and thrive.
Stop the fear of raw milk, our bodies and our children need it. Today the milk is tested even better than in olden days so we know it is safe. When cattle are grass fed like on the range or field, they are almost never sick and a sharp farmer who depends on these cattle for income know each cow and can tell immediately when something is wrong and will immediately separate that cow from the herd Like your dog or cat or child, you see it, feel it sense it right away. So have no fear of raw milk or raw milk products.
It is best to consume goat milk and goat milk products because they are smaller boned animals like we are. We are not cows but more goats in size. The nutrients are easier for our body to absorb as well. Goat milk is not good in December to March as goats do not eat grass which makes the milk so sweet. Since grass is dormant the goat farmer supplements with a special hay and the milk has a very strong bitter flavor. This is why many people double up on raw goat milk in the summertime and freeze it for winter consumption. Also in Springtime goat milk may be less available because the goat farmer does less milking for sale so that the new baby kids get their mommy goats milk
Get Raw Milkhttps://getrawmilk.com › goat › Wisconsin
Health & Wellness Leader
Dixie Nielsen![]()
So "they" put toxins and poisons in our foods, told us eggs were dangerous when this is the perfect food. Told us to not eat salt, but to eat sugar. Salt is needed for our survival - the correct salt, Celtic grey sea salt is the best -
Our tears are salty, our skin sweat is salty, why ? Because our bodies are salt based. Our blood is also salty. Our brain thrives only because of salt that feeds the brain cells. When we feel dizzy or faint, salt will revive us.
Sugar feeds disease, sugar feeds parasites that create every disease, sugar is a toxin to our bodies, sugar is acid based which bad gut bacteria live and multiply from. Our gut when full of bad bacteria will tell the brain to inform the body/mind that we need more sugar, cookies, cake, brownies, etc - when we do not consume sugar in any form the bad bacteria will die. We need to have prebiotics as well as probiotics in our bodies to feed the good bacteria to grow and keep our gut working well.
This lie was never more powerful than the lie about Raw Milk. Amish children across our country drink only raw milk. They are seldom ill and they flourish and grow up strong and very healthy.
They kept and still tell us how dangerous raw milk is
Pasteurization is actually very dangerous
Pasteurization is the microwaving of milk or food to extend the shelf life, so they microwave the food or milk and milk products so that they can extend the shelf life, sometimes even indefinitely This is how they leave all of these food products on the shelves for such a very long period of time.
They pasteurize these foods - and this zaps all of the nutrients out of the foods or milk and milk products. and now they have this product called pasteurized - Pasteurized milk, pasteurized cheese, pasteurized almond milk, pasteurized orange juice, pasteurized nuts. wheat, on and on - all these different products on our food market shelves that are pasteurized
If you just type in "what is pasteurized" it will be mind boggling the amount of our food items which are pasteurized - and have no nutrient value left at all.
It is mind blowing !!
And this is why when people start drinking raw milk, cow or goat milk, or kieffer, kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut they almost immediately start to feel great. Because they are bringing back in all the wonderful and beautiful nutrients, minerals and enzymes that are missing in the pasteurized foods
(without enzymes the body dies) .
When pasteurized it's gone, it;s all gone And this is where you get into the whole thing they have been pushing on us about pasteurization since Louis Pasteur - THE GUY WHO ON HIS DEATHBED SAID "WE SHOULD NEVER BE DOING THIS BOILING AND PASTEURIZING AS IT KILLS ALL GOOD BACTERIA AND NUTRIENTS|" - but it is still being done even though he warned us it was wrong.
So when we get into all of this :Raw Milk is going to get you, Raw Milk is going to make you sick, Raw Milk will give you bad illnesses, NO NO NO NO it is the pasteurization that is going to GET YOU !!!!!
When you purchase pasteurized milk and milk products the nutrients are gone but most every milk container is pus because without the natural bacteria to kill bad bacteria, the bad bacteria grows like in a lab dish so when you drink milk from the store you are getting milk with pus in it. Think about this
Experiments were done for proof where they put out two bowls one filled with pasteurized milk and one filled with raw milk. The pasteurized milk soured and spoiled within one day and was packed full of all sorts of bad bacteria, pus and even bloody mucus. Where the raw milk was not spoiled, it still had the fresh flavor and the good bacteria and nutrients in the raw milk actually gobbled up the bad bacteria and when tested there were no bad bacteria in the milk. Of course when left on the counter even longer the pasteurized milk got a green mold on top layer of the milk where the raw milk turned into curds and whey which is fermented and safe to consume.
Remember the nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffet. She ate her Curds and Whey. This is a story for children and us to realize that curds and whey feed our guts and kill bad bacteria and germs that destroy our bodies. Nursery rhymes were written for lessons to learn.
Look at Little Boy Blue come blow your horn, the sheep are in the meadow and the cows in the corn. --- Sheep eat grass so low that the cows can't grab the grass to eat as cows have no upper teeth to cut the grass off so the sheep cut it too low and cows get no nutrition. Cows are not supposed to consume corn as corn is toxic to a cow. Once a cow eats corn the cow's body begins to deteriorate and decay. So when you consume beef in a grocery store that has been fed corn all it's life or even end feeding with corn to put weight on the cow - you are eating decayed meat
This is why we need to eat grass fed, free range, out in the field animals not stuck in a shed, barn where there is no contact with the ground. Opening the windows or doors to a hen house is not free range because chickens will not usually just go outside on their own, they need to be encouraged to get out usually daily. Same as going back into the hen house, they need to be trained and encouraged to go back in at night.
We have to get back to the old fashion way of living, back to the homestead living so we can not only survive and thrive.
Stop the fear of raw milk, our bodies and our children need it. Today the milk is tested even better than in olden days so we know it is safe. When cattle are grass fed like on the range or field, they are almost never sick and a sharp farmer who depends on these cattle for income know each cow and can tell immediately when something is wrong and will immediately separate that cow from the herd Like your dog or cat or child, you see it, feel it sense it right away. So have no fear of raw milk or raw milk products.
It is best to consume goat milk and goat milk products because they are smaller boned animals like we are. We are not cows but more goats in size. The nutrients are easier for our body to absorb as well. Goat milk is not good in December to March as goats do not eat grass which makes the milk so sweet. Since grass is dormant the goat farmer supplements with a special hay and the milk has a very strong bitter flavor. This is why many people double up on raw goat milk in the summertime and freeze it for winter consumption. Also in Springtime goat milk may be less available because the goat farmer does less milking for sale so that the new baby kids get their mommy goats milk
Health & Wellness Leader
Dixie Nielsen
Are you staying hydrated? Here are some helpful suggestions and most important is to add a date at each meal and at bedtime. We are aware that God's foods in natural form are for our good health.
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